
Episode 111 - "Every baby that pops out of me is sponsored by M&Ms, Home Depot, and Valtrex"

Coming upside your head like an invite to the Grammys, Fair Use Law comes along with episode 111. It's been rumored that this episode sleeps inside out and has had full-on sex with iTunes at least twice. Sit down, take a listen, and soak in the sloppy seconds why don't you?

Want more entertainment for your dollar voting buck? Well, say what you will about wrestling fans, but sometimes they are even more clever than you give them credit for:

And keeping with our Mickey Rourke-influenced the Wrestler theme with this week's show notes, let's see how Christopher Daniels (who is a huge Curry Man fan) and AJ Styles feel about episode 111:

How many iTunes review stars does the Happy Heel Jig translate into? To Babelfish!