
Episode 110 - "That was in our wedding vows: Never Look At Me. I do."

Episode 10 of the Fair Use Law podcast has been unleashed on an uninterested and otherwise bored auditorium full of billionaires like a Bill Gates mosquito!

With our first double digit (or, if you want to believe the hype like Public Enemy, our 110th) episode, Fair Use Law hits the weekly podcast paradox: a 10th anniversary is a big deal. But when you do a podcast every week, that means you've only had a run of about 2 and a half months. The only people legally allowed to celebrate a blistering 2 and a half month run are Marvel writers assigned to a new War Machine on-going series or the producers of ABC's Pushing Daisies.

That doesn't stop the celebration train from derailing into a candy lake of callbacks, however, as we bring up stories old and slightly less old and make them new again:

Bob's Game's Website, which appears to have been programmed using Geocities site builder much like the game itself, has been updated with not only his rejection letter from Nintendo for a developer kit but also the most annoying midi background music and firework java applets imaginable. Who knew that the people behind HamsterDance.com were one step away from being Nintendo DS game programmers?

I would like to take this time to announce our new sponsor: unemployed, single mothers of octuplets. For them, the American Dream having a vagina that just might be a clown car.

Not to toot our own horns, which we would rather do in private or in front of a webcam for large sums of money, but last week's episode 9 might have been the first media outcry at how stupid unemployed, single mothers having octuplets might be. It's almost as if the entire news media were just mesmerized by the number of children for a day like a magical Jesus spell, then realized they should probably raise a moral outcry for ratings. In other words: Larry King be bitin' our style.

If you can't get enough of us rambling in audio podcast format, join us every Monday night during Heroes (9 PM EST) on my twitter page on the sidebar to the right for a real-time commentary by myself, Baker, and perhaps friends!

And now, bringing a burning sensation that will also burn down the house, let us all have a pants off dance off revolution thanks to Katy "Volume (and pantyshots) Equals Talent" Perry:

Between you and me, that performance strikes me as a little fruity...