
Episode 104 - "Spoiler Alert: That Wasn't A Clown"

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwazy Kwanzaa, and Repectful Wookie Light Day to you all!

To celebrate the holiday, and to give you sorry sorry folks who have to spend the afternoon in a post-present afterglow making small talk with the family, Fair Use Law gives back with our new episode a few days early. So load up the iPod, sync up your iTunes, rue the day you never bought a Zune thanks to those delightful Common commercials, and listen in.

This week Fair Use Law does some investigative reporting for the greater good of the world. The story: the current state of the nation's emergency health care system. Our stake-out setting for this story: my kidney and urinary tract. And our intrepid reporter: a solid, some might say jagged mass of unidentifiable calcium. Sounds delightful, don't it? But keep in mind: I bleed while I peed for your sins, folks. It's a lot like a Passion Play gone horribly wrong...

I would also like to welcome our first reoccurring guest star, not unlike a Tori Spelling dating Screech on Saved by the Bell. We welcome into our tribunal of podcastery this week Skeesix, former lead singer of Connecticut's best garage band of all time, Dirt Conceitd, and bass player for Connecticut's most forgotten about synthrock band of all time, Medicant Downline. Who knows, he might even show up next week, depending on if your definition of "might" is "definitely."

To close out the year in show notes in style, I figure I'll drop some pop culture science on you. You see, many days ago I was shocked by a man who could blast power intensifying beams of energy out of his hands. And, as such, I am now able to run back and forth (eat it, nitpicking nerds) through time. I just lightly sprinted back from the far off year of 2009 and took in a matinée of the following cinematic gem:

You might want to call Blockbuster and reserve this movie, like, yesterday, folks.