
Episode 410 - "Mama Cass Said Knock You Out!"

Oh hai, interwebs! Welcome to episode 410 of the Fair Use Law podcast. Join us as we count down to our upcoming 100th episode as Randy and Dan discuss the sad and pathetic state of trick or treating, how to teach little kids about the reproductive systems through poorly planned Halloween costumes, the correct way to watch Paranormal Activity 2, and being let down by the double bill of Kevin James and Vince Vaughn hosting a comedy tour. All this and we make way too many jokes about Demi Lovato's rehabilitation for "self destructive behavior" just for you!

This week's episode is in tribute of the noble and brave Soldier A:

This week we recapped the recent Halloween shindigs and various goings on that we took part of. And while other podcasts and websites might harp on or criticize the trend of sluttifying female Halloween Costumes, we honor it with the best sexy Halloween costume of all time: WWE's Victoria's sexy Peanut Butter Jelly Time Banana!

Also this week we review and recap a bit of the recently released Paranormal Activity 2. While the movie might have been just what the doctor ordered for us, the sequel could have been so much better if only it had Queen Latifah in it:

A few weeks ago on this very podcast we talked about director Uwe Boll trying to save money by filming both a historical documentary/drama based on Auschwitz and a sequel to Bloodrayne, both using the same sets. Well, apparently he's going for the Hat Trick since he's using the same sets and actors again, this time for... Blubberella. Women, Fair Use Law apologizes on behalf of Uwe Boll's sense of humor:

And finally, I give you the best game you have never played -- Octodad! How does an octopus adjust to fatherhood? How does a player control Octodad when each arm can be used independently of itself? And does this game secretly endorse bestiality?