I'm afraid that show has been canceled due to "logistical problems." But may I interest you in episode 213 of the Fair Use Law podcast?
I start the weekly show notes off this week with a bit of apology. If you follow us on Twitter, I think it's not exactly the plot of Momento to piece together what's been going on, but I can assure you that things are more or less back to normal thanks in large part to the excellent, post-crisis line of products from our favorite online retailer: Precious Roy!
Another new occurrence this week on the cast o' pod is this week the tricycle momentarily misplaced a wheel, as I co-host the show with the King of Mondays Randy Lewis and we discuss all things Connecticon, which happened just last weekend. I hear it's a place where things such as this happened:
It's an anime fan thing. I can explain it to you but then I will never ever get laid again.
Something a bit more video game geek mainstream (hello oxymoron!) happened this weekend, too, as everyone dressed as Team Fortress 2 characters (which accounted for roughly 187% of the attendees) decided to conga:
One thing that I've always loved about Connecticon were the awesome anime music video contests. And luckily for you, we have this year's winner for Best In Show which is a tribute to Avatar. Enjoy this now while we can, before it has the Taint Of M. Night on it:
All this talk of conventions and video game geekery really makes me nostalgic for the 8-Bit Nintendo days... or maybe it doesn't:
Oh the glory days of 8-Bit. Even the Game Boy can bring a nostalgic tear to our eye, right Action Hero Kirby:
And finally, here at Fair Use Law, we lost a very dear and close member of our family this week.
That's right, Smackdown Superstar and King of the Rally Up Ricky Ortiz was shown the door by an apathetic and marginally thinking WWE. It's times like this where it's best to lie to yourself to make things alright:
Rally up today, listeners. You might not be able to rally up tomorrow.