One thing we are legally obliged to remember is the first of two new sponsors of our fine program. I give you Rosebud Frozen Peas:
In this episode, recent news of the Microsoft Store actually being a "thing" sparked quite the conversation on why this idea can never work. Thankfully, as an appendix to said conversation, someone put to music another reason this idea is doomed to fail as badly as the Zune:
Wondering what kind of other products the Microsoft store might sell to get the common folk to rummage their shelves? Well I hear Master Chief has expanded his repertoire to include hosting this exciting exercise video:
What's that, brain? Oh yeah, our second sponsor! I give you the commercial that is single handedly responsible for Jermaine's Emmy nod from the good ol' Outback steakhouse:
One topic of contention on the show was whether or not the female singer of Lacuna Coil was hot: not because anyone thought her ugly but only because apparently only Baker has ever seen pictures of her. After the podcast, of course I did my research using a government grant and can concede that yes, you can in fact masturbate Lacuna Coil-y:
And finally, in an attempt to get some kind of educational subsidy money from the Connecticut Board of Education, our podcast is proud to teach you the way with some light conversational Norwegian: