
Episode 209 - "Quote from a Movie: Accusation of Not Getting It"

Ladies and interwebs, I give to you more corn Episode 209 of the Fair Use Law podcast! This week, the tribunal takes a bit of a break and provides to you a bit of pop culture breaking news and political-free Free Association Theater.

However, as to not bring the podcast to a screeching audible halt on-air, I will use these shownotes today to pay tribute to the new Neon Genesis Evangelion movie: You Can (Not) Advance, which just came out in Japan and has been recapped all over the interwebs. This has, of course, led to my Eva fanboy mind being blown in the best possible way.

Things I am excited to see when this gets fansubbed, in spoiler form so turn away now if you want to remain an Eva 2.0 virgin:

Asuka talks to a hand puppet she carries around, they skip 3 episodes of "Who is the Fourth Child" needless drama but just replacing Toji with Asuka, We have a new pilot who isn't full of angst and emo, Asuka has a Steal Princess-esque eye patch, no stupid mindrape from an angel, and the entire movie revolves around school kids cooking each other lunches... as the biblical apocalypse looms over them

To celebrate Anno finally writing a version of Evangelion that doesn't require a prescription of Klonopin to get through, I present to you our Fair Use Law tribute to all things Neon Genesis!

The following video is what YouTube was created for, and you probably never knew it existed ("Mountains of cocaine... tons of Cocaine"):

Proving two great tastes always taste great when slammed together, I present to you Toji and Kensuke's Bogus Journey:

When sending 14 year olds off in giant robots that cost billions to make, it's always best to provide them some defensive combat training. I present to you, recently declassified from NERV HQ, their training video "How Not To Be Seen:"

And lastly, I give you legitimate, authorized Eva easter egg fun. At the end of the last DVD in the Platinum Collection boxset, if you switch the audio track during the credits of episode 26, you get Shinji (via his English dub voice actor Spike Spencer) ranting about all the questions the TV series ending left for the characters and the viewers alike: