
Episode 206 - "Thanks to those pictures, our photobucket is now our shamebucket"

Welcome to the shownotes for episode 6 of the Fair Use Law podcast. As always, we like to keep our engines humming by mainlining caffeine here at the studio, and what better way to advertise that fact than by having two incredibly hot girls who would never play video games fight as video game characters:

If I had to choose, it's Night Elf Nectar Wild Berry flavor all the way from me.

News broke this week of NASA's plan to blow up the moon. While the official reason for said decision varies from "scientific research to find water" to "because it's cool," I can't wait to host myself a Blowing Up The Moon Party:

With graduations happening across the country this week, news has been breaking of quite a few of them going just a little awry. Thanks to some idiot god who created humor and laughter, innocent graduation goers who just want to sit in a crowded room in awed boredom are being forced to laugh, or, heaven forbid, have a good time. This has led to high school principals cracking down on the problem in their usual manner: single out and target only one student who was barely involved. One thing's for sure, they wouldn't attempt that with Superman:

Thanks to the wonder of Netflix Instant Viewing, Dan found a new favorite series he would never have seen otherwise due to it being stuck on a network called SyFy. That show is Sanctuary, and we highly recommend it to anyone with a Netflix account and some hours to kill. Here's a preview to whet your appetite:

We also discuss what movie genre should get the documentary-esque Blair Witch Project/Cloverfield treatment next in our Tribunal this week. Dan's pick of superhero movies has almost been done by Japan, except their version has a bit more in common with Cloverfield and Godzilla than our traditional American heroes of Hulk or Spiderman. Ladies and Gentlemen of America, I give you Big Man Japan:

And finally, the Thing Before You Speak Ad Campaign continues. With a few awards under their belt and enough faith in their slogan of "Knock It Off," the Ad Council apparently isn't even using celebrities anymore (or at least not easily recognizable ones). That's so Raven: