
Episode 204 - "I found this by typing 'Make Me Flaccid' into Google."

Welcome, inter and unterwebs, to another geek-tingling episode of the Fair Use Law podcast.

Before we get to our normally scheduled shownotes, a quick Public Service Announcement:

To be fair, though, that pepper shaker was pretty teenage boy with a scrawny mustache...

This week was e3, and amongst the booth babes and the demos and geek-rections all over the world watching in through the internet, a spectacle took place thanks to G4. On their very stage, Steve Wiebe attempted to break the world record at Donkey Kong (Again... Again) and failed miserably:

Somewhere, Billy Mitchell is laughing. And probably remembering how great his hair looked in this creepy interview he did for MTV's True Life: I'm A Professional Gamer:

Unquestionably, the game of e3 for the Fair Use Law podcast was a little life altering gem known as Scribblenauts. How could this game alter the very course of human existence? Like so:

After that, any other innovation ever left to be made just seems trivial, even Microsoft and Peter Molyneux accidentally creating a real life Skynet/creepiest AI demonstration ever:

And finally, in tribute to the great David Carridine (Allegedly), I give you the classic 80s pop hit Ladyboy by mega star R.O. Manse.