Another hectic episode of the Fair Use Law podcast has come and gone. From our podcast to yours, we hope your Memorial Day weekend wasn't as full of stupidity and chaos as ours were.
This week, the Triceratop Tribunal has been enamored with Starfy, the one fierce starfish of the upcoming DS video game:
We also discover that I have a burning hatred like no other for John and Kate Plus 8's Kate's stupid haircut:
Hey, does anyone else remember Bart Simpson attempting to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air as much as I do?
This week we debate just when Simpsons should have gracefully walked off into the sunset, a discussion made ever more difficult because of poorly written and programmed licensed games like Bart vs. the Juggernauts. To save you the trouble of having to play said game, here's the ending spoiled for your own sanity:
And now to end the shownotes in the traditional manner, here's an anime music video tribute to secret same-sex crushes mixed with Hikaru Utada for ultimate Japanese-ness: