
Episode 201 - "Marry the dude, win a free iPod Nano!"

Ladies and gentlemen, please to be pardoning our dust during our recent construction:


The truth of the matter is thus -- we just got too big for our previous hosting britches. And like the horses that we are, we've decided to move mid-stream to a better server with better features and better full release oral services. To go into more detail, we've ordered "Redneck" Dave Schultz, PR agent to the stars, to give the following statement. Please note he refuses to call our prior server anything but Hogan:

That about sums it up I think! A bit less politically correct than I'd like, but beggars can't be choosers.

As you'll see on the right, we have a brand new Podbean podcast player featuring both this episode and a short introductionary welcome to our new palatial estate. If you enjoyed any episodes in the 1xx's, they are still there for you in the old player slightly to the south. If you would like to download any of said episodes, we'll be posting a link to a bittorrent of them all, included mucho mucho bonuses, later this week.

If you subscribed to us in iTunes, please open your Information Tunes application and select "Subscribe to Podcast" underneath the Advanced tab. In this area, please input the following minus the quotation marks "http://fairuselaw.podbean.com/feed" which is our new RSS feed. If you follow our new logo, drawn by the greatly skilled Manna of Third-Half, it'll bring you to our lovely Podbean homepage which includes ways to subscribe to our podcast I didn't even know existed. Who knew you could load an RSS feed using a can opener and a Gremlins Furby? You can now... now that the sky is the limit!