With episode 23 of the Fair Use Law podcast, the triceratop tribunal hammered home the biggest news to hit the American way of life this week: Duke Nukem Forever's developer, 3DRealms, going out of business. There's a moral here, children: over ten years of game development with nothing to show for it is bad for business. Let's pour a forty on the curb while watching the Duke Nukem teaser trailer one last time, remembering what could have been:
Also mentioned in our discussion of Duke Nukem was its spiritual successor, Shadow Warrior. While I could not find any real good YouTube Compilations of all its many easter eggs, I did find this anime music video using footage of Excel Saga, mixed with the rap Shadow Warrior's protagonist, Lo Wang, unleashed after beating the game:
We also give our geek seal of approval to the movie Special starring Michael Rappaport. Here's the trailer, though a word of warning: it's edited to look like a zanier comedy than it really is:
Just to show you how well you have it, here's the telekinetic fight scene from Push, another movie that gets our cheetos dust-covered thumb's up:
And finally, I give you what might be the cutest video game music video of all time from the recently released game Plants vs. Zombies, a game so full of awesome it could wipe out small countries: