
Episode 122 - "Porky Pig is a Goddamn Motherfucker"

Oh my god, interwebs, swine flu!!!!!

No, not "Swine Flew," voice inside my head. I'm talking about the disease the Israelis have renamed "Mexican Flu" as to not insult pigs of all kinds. Want to know more about this pandemic the media can't stop talking about due to a slow news month? Well here are two text-to-speech 3D cartoon characters to fill you all the way in:

To think, those filthy swines have taken over our airwaves so much this week, we barely had enough 24 hour news station time to be outraged about gay marriage some more (or give Miss California another 30 seconds of fame). Thankfully Stephen Colbert is there to continue to warn us of the coming Gay Storm:

But enough about all those "current events" that might have a "significant impact on our American way of life." Let's talk about the real epidemic plaguing our world today: Fascist Action RPG heroes.

Luckily, there is a group of heroes who can save us all. And they just happen to star in the kind of offbeat Japanese anime-inspired RPG released by Atlus that we love to plug on this here podcast website. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my dual-screened digital version of crack cocaine, Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Front.