
Episode 121 - "That tastes like apricots... and genocide"

For their 4 month and one week anniversary, the triceratops tribunal is caught in a moderate to barely noticeable whirlwind of actual news hitting close to their "Northern" Connecticut home: the idiots of God Hates Fags apparently have it out for New Britian High School and decided to let everyone who hangs out at a high school from 6:50 AM to 7:30 AM know about it. So the three homeless people sleeping underneath the picnic tables will get the message. If you've never heard of this insane site, here's a fake news broadcast poking fun of them... with Aussie accents! Double word score:

Speaking of current affairs, the Fair Use three wheeler also discuss the recent events of the Miss USA pageant. Unlike every other blog ever, though, we won't post the offending footage. We'll post this music video explaining recent events through auto-tune, because God Hates Auto-Tune:

And as your mild-mannered host and resident king of electricity, you can hear the child-like wonder in my voice as I discovered Cleavagefield on Cinemax. Here's the movie's trailer, which is, of course, possibly not suitable for work. Cleavagefield at your own risk:

One thing we unabashedly love at Fair Use Law is retro gaming goodness. And the only way to improve on the wonders of our past is to make masochistically hard rom hacks of said game that only Rain Man can beat:

And finally, with all the hoopla about the economy, gay marriage, legalizing weed, pirates, swine flu, and Ali Larter in Obsessed sweeping the news, it's easy to forget the true debate affecting our people on a daily basis: who would win in a fight - Mega Man or Donkey Kong?