
Episode 120 - "It's a lot like Schrödinger's tentacles"

Ladies and gentlemen, simmer down. I know I can hardly contain the jubilation and hardy good times spirit of the triceratops tribunal this week as Fair Use Law celebrates its 5th month of operation.

It's not unlike a creepy Asian horror movie, which may or may not have a disgusting twist ending.

And now onto the supplemental material!

I talk at great length this episode about the Korean movie Dumplings, and thanks to the wonder of lonely people and youtube, here's a clip of said movie:

To prove that I'm not going insane, here's a clip of the incomparable Bai Ling performing on VH-1's "Don't Forget The Lyrics," which I'm not ashamed to admit is the only place I remember her from:

We also discuss the latest sensation sweeping the nation this week: teabaggin'! It's fun to use words with two meanings. Teabaggin' is so popular, that some extremely disenfranchised and equally socially awkward people decided to take their tea party to Second Life with hilarious results. Here is their online advertisement to get you to join their sullen ranks:

To prove that we are socially aware and politically minded, I present to you the only Tea Party we, the Fair Use Law podcast, endorse: