
Episode 119 - Clip Show A - "My dad was a Jesus Carpenter... wait"

To celebrate the Triceratops Tribunal's first clip show, made of 100% never before heard material, outtakes, and misspoken tales of erotic dreams starring Saved by the Bell characters, I now present to you the first ever clip show show notes!

First we start with a little music to set the mood...

Now that you are feeling a bit wound up, why don't we try a little DS foreplay with Steal Princess:

Now is the time where I turn the soundtrack down a bit to make the romancing more romantical. I have the new single from that hot, fresh, dope R&B singer, Baby T-Pain:

Perhaps now that we've lulled you into a romantic mode, we talk about how you are really feeling about life, with everything you need to know about Neon Genesis Evangelion in 39 seconds:

Now, honey pie sugar bun, I feel like we are one. Perhaps it is time to move this show note relationship to the next level. Some experimentation perhaps? Maybe some teabaggin'?

Oh yes, I do believe we have repopulated the earth, Show Notes! Rejoice!