This week, the triceratops tribunal discusses many and all topics near and dear to their heart such as Dan's lack of health of any kind, vicodin, the Octuplet mom's c-section video, Bob's Game still existing somehow, Chuck Austen's Uncanny X-Men Reign o' Terror, and a full review of Watchmen, blue dongs and all.
Speaking of blue dongs for the third paragraph in a row, this is real, folks:

Alan Moore snapped an ocelot's neck when he saw that. And then, once he finished his pre-planned activity and had time to really think about it, he got angry.
As of this writing, we're nearing closer still to that brass ring Bob's Game's Bob calls "Stage 100." In the build up to this wonderful day, he finally announced what the bottom screen does in this, the most mind-blowing, original game ever made:
I'll be upfront here: I found Bob's Game's Bob kind of charming towards the end where he smiles after saying the attacks on Nintendo are just in good fun. I get it now, Bob's Game's Bob. This is one big joke. But there's still the fact that now you are trying to tell us you spent 5 years programming a game that doubles as an attack on Nintendo and are mad that they didn't release it. And your secret weapon is... unlockable games? On the same platform that just saw Retro Game Challenge, bringing with it the wonders of HAGGLEMAN?
Oh, Bob's Game's Bob, you better bring it, because my idea for a video game is even more original and mind blowing - Dance Dance Stephen Colbert:
Until next week, Fair Users, a topic for debate: Did Chuck Austen create modern comic storytelling? Or did he use his incredibly lucky opening as writer of Uncanny X-Men to secretly fulfill his dream of turning Jubilee into a necro-whore with daddy issues, not unlike every female he's ever written? We could certainly answer this question for you now, but it'd be even better if we were to tell a random woman the answer, have sex with her, hope she had a mutant baby with secret spilling powers, raised that baby for 20 years, and then you somehow crossed paths with that mutant and learned the answer yourself. I love it when a plan comes together...