
Episode 112 - "I was born watching Golden Girls and I'll die watching Sesame Street"

Looks like somebody's website got hit by Template Man's Template Tractor Beam!

In an effort to make all your Fair Use dreams come true with as little effort as possible on our parts, we have updated our website's layout to correct our handy-dandy Fair Use player. Now you can scroll through all dirty dozen of our episodes, listen to the brand new Episode 112, revisit an old favorite, or just stare at it longingly as you imagine how many future episodes will fit in there.

With episode 112, we've revisited one of the podcast's old friends, the Octo-Mom. Oh no, Foreclosed'd. For those who think she might look like Angelina Jolie, uh oh, Creeped Out'd!

And finally, to further describe with visuals what I really couldn't pull off in audio-only on the podcast, these are the Muppets I always picture in my mind when I put off introducing the three-wheeled Tribunal each week: