
Episode 103 - "You know Shanghai... known for their democracy, right?"

Another week has come and gone, and as the sun sets, it's time to turn on the podcast. Join us as we walk you and yours through a festive Holiday miracle. The miracle of laughter. The laughter of a small child.

Creepy Gendo Ikari has hit the button, so that means show notes are go!

The Hottest Christmas This Season. Literally, it's flame kissed. Spray this on and I guarantee you'll never go to sleep hungry again.

Better time your sexual foreplay for world peace. I guess we can't come together as one... you know what? I'll let you finish that one. It's a Christmas gift to you.

Long time fans of facial hair will be happy to know they finally have a podcast they can believe in. Tired of bookmarking Blogspot sites? You can now check out this very blog/podcast at WilfordBrimleysMoustache.com. Every time you book that link I promise we will gift the world with 5 seconds of thought on how to stop Diabetes with oatmeal. By 2078 we'll have this thing figured out.

The world getting you down? Maybe you need to be disgusted to be inspired? Let this horrible cover of an already shoddy song be your umbrella-brella-brella:

And I'm sure Baker and Randy thought I sounded like I was tripping balls during the podcast... Little did they know I was practicing for my Flyleaf cover band, Mary Kate Found Out First.

If you notice the right side of this very website, we had a lot of real estate just going to waste with a blank for sale sign on it hanging in the front yard. So we tore down the electric fence (perhaps after first peeing on it) and brought you ever closer into our self-referential life. Want to know exactly what Baker or myself are doing at the exact time we remember to update our Twitters? Then you might just be a twat... away from being in the know!

And like all great stories, we end on the happy ending: my Xbox 360 was taken out, Godfather style, by the New Xbox Live Experience. It turned red faster than a frat guy in a spanking factory. But now that it's back and I'm back to grinding away achievement points, chasing the Gamerscore dragon. If you, too, are addicted to Box, check out Pathetic Gaming With Us for my gamertag info and a snapshot of the kind of games I play. I'm always up for some Rock Band 2 with Fair Use Law's designated metal outfit, Retcon Bomb.

Unfortunately, the internet doesn't find my relapse into addiction as serious a subject as I may, as they have now made a flash game to taunt me. Internet, do you not realize I just spent 3 hours today playing a goddamn Dorito's commercial for 190 gamerpoints? When do I get my intervention?

Seriously, though, can you text message?

Merry Christmas, tubes and circuits.