For your post-Cyber Monday goodness, please partake in our first episode. I can guarantee it's roughly 99% STD and Stone Temple Pilots free.
As with all future episodes of our merry band, listen in awe as myself, Danger Dan Robinson, my partner in rhyme, Baker, and our producer, the Reverend Randy Lewis spin a yarn that you could knit a deliciously awful Christmas sweater with. Discussions found within include tales about Siena College and their inability to provide beds to their dorm dwellers, Rampage 64, former head cheerleaders becoming strippers and the awkward way of handling the touchy subject of meeting them in public, and, of course, our lord and savior.
Oh, and Cloverfield. We talk about Cloverfield.
If you are still bored at work and can't get enough inanity, by all means check out some of our blogs. Read reviews and recaps of mind numbingly stupid crap over at where I suffer for your entertainment. If you want something in a shade a tab bit less masochistic, Baker holds down his own fort over at the The Unwind. If you want to shake your money maker like an annoying talking thumb in a Verizon cellphone commercial, why not check out Randy and my musical adventures entitled Medicant Downline and Hobokamp.
And finally, I leave you with Chrono Trigger, somehow Rick Rolling us from the past to prove it will, in fact, dominate our future and then denying it ever happened.